Monday, August 27, 2007

"Feeling alone as he bends to pick a dog-end" was an excerpt from the lyrics of Jethro Tull's Aqualung. The lyrics were written by Jeannie Anderson the wife of Ian Anderson at the time. Tull is a great band with many great performances and recordings. Ian Anderson is a great lyricist and it is quite odd that the most popular lyrics were penned by his first wife.
Check out for updates on performances and recordings. Jethro Tull's 1999 release of Dot.Com was the most recent studio recording other than the Christmas Album and a new recording is due in 9/07. Ian's solo albums are good listens as well so don't miss out.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Danny Pamuk

I met Danny Pamuk at Pueblo To People's warehouse location on Montrose Boulevard at West Gray in Houston during the early 90's. Danny was a happy-go lucky artist - living in the Heights neighborhood of Houston as a modern blacksmith artist creating metal works like the one pictured >>>>>>>>>>>>>over "dere">. Danny was a guru-like figure for me during a period of my life when organized religion could not fill that emotional gap. I needed a life experienced Buddha with a resume void of miracles and historical text. A Buddha who resided in the present and drank Olympia beer not micro-brewed "look at what I'm drinking" beer. Danny was accessible with no tithing and public displays of devotion. Yes God lives next door to you and is your unemployed uncle that looks like Greg Allman and teaches when school is out for summer and can't even reach the chalkboard.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


The yellow star was worn by Jews in Nazi Germany and throughout time to bring attention to them. The Always Save brand's yellow packaging cries I am impoverished and cannot afford a better brand. Other store brands have opted for less attention in packaging for customers. If your grocery cart is yellow and you know it clap your hands.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Heat & Death

Rain falling soothes the dry envelope of heat that August has dealt. Temperatures taper and the tattoo of the air conditioning unit slims. Nomadic within our households moving based on the Sun's position moving to rooms out of the Sun-Ray's finger-tips. As the polar ice caps melt continue to drive gas hungry cars denying the world's environmental outcome. Your comfort above all is important and preserving the environment is meaningless. Bathe in excess preserve nothing. Die and be forgiven by all means.

Friday, August 3, 2007


The first time I sipped coffee was probably under the supervision of my mother & father and was coffee loaded with sugar and creamer. I remember the energy rush that came along with it and liked the increased energy level. I remember in my late teenage years drinking coffee in the morning. The true coffee days came when I discovered whole bean coffee ground the moment before brewing. At that time I was working for Pueblo To People an organisation that imported goods from Central America. Coffee was naturally a popular product in the mail-order catalog this business produced.I became hooked and enjoyed dark roast coffees eventually moving along to espresso and cappuccino. Presently I have returned to the mundane blends that populate the grocery store shelves. From time to time I will go to a local book store and enjoy coffee of high quality. The only item that I add to coffee these days is milk. Milk softens the bitterness and balances the flavor by my opinion. Check out the link below and order some of the coffee this group offers. The producers are paid a fair price for their product so be prepared to open your wallet wider. Starbucks does not pay a fairer price I am sure.